While we provide and maintain GAAP-compliant financial statements for use by banks, investors and other third parties, BJM can also develop and analyse key performance indicators and internal reports to help ensure you will meet future goals based on today’s results. Together we will turn numbers and data into real business intelligence that you can use to make critical business growth decisions.
For over 15 years, BJM has provided community associations and HOAs with a specialized approach to accounting, auditing and tax preparation.
BJM provides the expertise and practical advice you need to develop entities and partnerships, then acquire and operate your real estate assets. Let the team at BJM help you determine when to purchase, when to sell and when to take losses or gains.
In addition, we offer a full spectrum of accounting, tax and general advisory services for real estate investors and investments. Expert assistance is provided through every phase of the investment.
BJM provides the expertise and practical advice you need to develop entities and partnerships, then acquire and operate your real estate assets. Let the team at BJM help you determine when to purchase, when to sell and when to take losses or gains.
In addition, we offer a full spectrum of accounting, tax and general advisory services for real estate investors and investments. Expert assistance is provided through every phase of the investment.